Saturday, August 22, 2009

4 of my Favorite People.

Brynlee Boo, Gwampa Keif, Towi Towi, and Gama Teesa
(Brynlee,Keith, Tori and Theresa)
These Girls LOVE Their Grandma and Grandpa!!
Yes we knew they were going to be dressed alike but we didn't "PLAN" it..That just always happens. :D

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cereal. Yuck.

We tried giving Brynlee Cereal for the first time last Sunday. She went right after it but was shocked to actually have it in her mouth! Learning the spoon has turned out to be alot harder than I thought. I swear i get more cereal on me than i do in her mouth. This is going to be a tricky new step I think. :D

Monday, August 10, 2009

First Words?!

Ok, so maybe she IS too young to say her first word already..i know she's just making sounds. But isnt that all words are? Just sounds? :) Its crazy but listen close. I swear she says ALESA!