Friday, October 24, 2008

High YA!!

However YOU describe it, Im absolutely in LOVE with feeling my little punkin move!


PJ and Julie said...

oh, I love your post! that was my favorite part of pregnancy. I hope things are going well for you!

Jason and Tawni said...

Isn't feeling that little baby move and kick the best thing ever? I loved that stage so much (then again I didn't get much passed it!) and I hope that you are doing well. I would really like to see you soon, hopefully you will be coming down to visit!

Nancy said...

That is THE BEST PART of pregnancy!! When I look at Philip I still wish (sometimes) that I could feel him inside!! Usually I start thinking about how uncomfortable I was and I get over it LOL! For me it's best described by the fish bowl!! How are you feeling?